
Sunday, January 21, 2007

Go Hillary

I'm glad to see that Hillary has thrown her hat into the ring. Conventional wisdom says that she's too much of a polarising figure and that she won't, even if teamed up with Barack Obama, be able to lead the Democrats to victory. I think with a bold campaign she could win, as long as she ensures she campaigns on her agenda and not that of the Republicans.

Duncan Borrowman and Ed Maxfield have put it much better than I have on their blogs, which, in the absence of me knowing how to put a link here, you will need to access from the Lib Dem Blogs button below.

I am not entirely sure, though, that either Gore or Condi could put too much of a spanner in the works. Certainly Al has become a lot more user friendly and useful in the years since his 2000 victory in the popular vote, but I'm not persuaded he could carry support across the country. Condi is way too much associated with Iraq, where the situation is only going to get worse.

Anyway, I hope that two years from today we are watching the first full day in office of a Democrat President who will be a force for positive change and will finally get the US to do something about global warming.

1 comment:

  1. I confess I make 30p off Amazon if you click the link - but more than ever I think that people with an interest in what the campaign tactics should be should click the link to the James Carville and Paul Begala book I plug on my blog. Direct link to the Amazon link here


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