
Monday, August 11, 2008

Highland Bound

I'm off to Inverness in a while to attend the memorial service for Lord Russell-Johnston. I spent the first 12 years of my life in Invernesss so he was one of the first politicians I was aware of. So many people grow up with a negative view of politicians these days, which is very sad. I was lucky enough to have Russell as my local MP, with his commitment to human rights and civil liberties during my childhood and then Bob Maclennan in Caithness and Sutherland during my teens. Those very positive role models encouraged me to get involved and I ended up joining the party on my 16th birthday.

The first time I met Russell as a party member was in Wick during the 1984 Euro election. He came up along with Charles Kennedy and Alan Beith to address a public meeting. I remember being very impressed with his commitment to Europe and willingness to stand up for what he believed in, even if it wasn't so popular. He'd done that for Home Rule during the dark days when that idea was out of fashion.

I'll post a report of the service when I come back.

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