
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Childless and in a Park - whatever next?

I've seen headlines saying things like "childless banned from parks" a few times over the last few days but thought it was a joke - nobody could be so stupid.

Or so I thought.

Apparently the enlightened Council at Telford and Wrekin had decided to interrogate people who went into its parks without children. So if you're out jogging, or walking your dog, or just enjoying the sunshine, you could be questioned by park staff.

You actually couldn't make something like that up.

I hope that the official, or councillor, who thought up this daft idea is not left in their post to think up more ways of infringing our civil liberties.

The erroneous idea that there is a paedophile behind every tree ready to harm our children is clearly nonsense, but in the last week I've become aware that the swimming pool attendant at the school where my daughter has swimming lessons was jailed for having more than 5000 images of child pornography on his PC. I have to be honest and say that the whole thing made me feel uneasy, but I am convinced that at no point was my daughter in any danger. I don't like the fact that anyone might have looked at her or thought of her in an inappropriate way but no harm was done to her or any of the other children from the school.

That, unfortunately, is not the case for the children in the images.

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