
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sympathy for the Cameron Family on Ivan's passing

I can't imagine anything worse than losing a child. I can only guess at the agony David and Samantha Cameron must be going through at the sudden loss of their son, Ivan. How hard it must have been for them to explain to their other two children what had happened. My thoughts are with the whole family. I hope that they know that they have the country on their side right now.

I was moved to tears by the simplicity and sincerity of Gordon Brown's words today in the House of Commons. You just know that he meant every single word he was saying and that the pain of losing his precious babe seven years ago is still fresh in his mind.

I was struck that the Commons, usually a hotbed of pomposity, changed from the amphitheatre that it becomes for PMQs to a community supporting one of its members through trial. There was none of this "Honourable Gentleman" this and "Honourable Lady" that - they used proper first names and talked as human beings should.

Let's just hope that the press leave the Camerons alone to grieve in peace.

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