
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

What is your favourite chocolate?

Firstly, I presume that the title of this has attracted the attention of Dr Pack, so hello Mark. There are even some semi-colons in here to keep you happy, although you will probably have issues with how they have been used.

There's so much angst going on at the moment, and I'm still poorly sick and miserable, so I thought that I might try to cheer myself up with the one subject that will guarantee to bring a smile to most faces. Jennie, I know it won't for you, so feel free to add any kind of food that makes you happy.

With Easter coming up, it's probably appropriate to have a bit of a gratuitous chocolate indulgence. It's the only vice I'm allowed at the moment as alcohol is off limits cos of the Glandular Fever.

Anyway, less whinging about my health and down to business. My top ten favourite chocolatey treats are:

1 Green and Black Maya Gold - the bitterness of the dark chocolate with orange, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla through it is just wonderful. My friend Pippa made me a cake with Maya Gold ganache on it for my 40th birthday, which was every bit as heavenly as it sounds;

2 Lindt 70% dark chocolate - an intense, bitter chocolate sensation;

3 Cadbury's Dairy Milk - it has a unique creamy, sweet flavour. Can only be eaten in small doses, but is just right for a mid afternoon pick me up;

4 Divine Mint Dark Chcolate isn't quite the same but is an ethical substitute for After Eights which as a committed Nestle boycotter I can't have;

5 Cadbury's Creme Egg - in case you're wondering, I bite the top off, eat the inside and then enjoy the chocolate;

6 Minstrels - the lovely creamy Galaxy chocolate with a smartie like coating helps me stay off the Smarties and no trip to the cinema would be complete without some. I don't like to crunch them - just let them melt in my mouth;

7 Starbucks Signature hot chocolate. I don't have this very often, but a couple of times a year, Anna and I will nip to Starbucks as part of a shopping trip and enjoy this rich treat with cream on the top;

[Just as an aside, how did I, who hates shopping in almost all its forms (except buying books and DVDs) manage to produce a child who will walk through the soft furnishings department of Marks and Spencer's admiring bedding sets and cushions?]

8 Fry's Chocolate Cream - again dark chocolate (can you detect a theme here?) with a sweet fondanty centre. I used to love it as a child. You used to be able to get one which had 5 centres, but they seem to have stopped doing it - unless you can prove me wrong;

9 Fry's Turkish delight - I loved this one from school - the lovely gelatinous rosewatery Turkish delight covered in milk chocolate. Very good;

10 Cadbury's Wispa - knocks evil Aero into a cocked hat. Nuff said.

So, have a good Easter, everybody, and I hope the Easter Bunny is very generous to you........ Feel free to add your own favourites in the comments below.

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  1. This post has got me so excited I'm going to have to go and have a lie down.

  2. Was it the chocolate or the semi-colons?

  3. Will forgive post about chocolate; I like semi-colons too.

    Perhaps I should post about my top ten beers...


Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.