
Saturday, May 23, 2009

General Assembly upholds appointment of Scott Rennie

A quick late night post to let you know that the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has voted to uphold the appointment of Scott Rennie as Minister of Queen's Cross Church, Aberdeen. I'm really happy for Scott and wish him and David all the best with their move.

I'm also thrilled that Liberal Youth Scotland organised an event in solidarity with Scott at the General Assembly. No doubt Stephen will blog about it soon as I know that he was there. UPDATE: and he did

The BBC news website devoted I think a disproportionate amount of coverage to a few people protesting against Scott without mentioning the 4 times larger group of people who were there to support him.

LibDig This!


  1. Anonymous12:13 am

    4 times larger is somewhat of an understatement, the only proper count done was 74, before a large group joined us. They had 13 max by our count.

  2. I'm really disappointed with the media. Gutted in fact.

  3. Anon - thanks for that - I was going on updates on Twitter from my friends who were there. I only wish I had been well enough to go.

    James - why not send a press release and some photos to Lib Dem News?

  4. Well obviously anon is using the figures as counted by a prominent blogger :) But even me, Ruaraidh and Kieran were updating that with a few estimates as time went on. We reckon we got to triple figures by the end.

  5. Kieran Leach11:56 pm

    Apologies, anon was me and failed to properly identify :(


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