
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Help save Lib Dem Blogs - and a thank you to Ryan

Ok, so anyone with internet access can have a blog - and that's part of the problem. How on earth do you get people to know you are there? It's all right if you're famous but what about the rest of us mere mortals?

For Liberal Democrat bloggers, getting their blog listed on Lib Dem Blogs which has been ably run by Ryan Cullen for the last few years is the way to get your thoughts out there. The thing is, any member of the party can be listed there if they want. He doesn't exclude you if you write nonsense or don't follow the party line. It's truly equal access for everyone.

The site has become a victim of its own success and needs to find new hosting. This costs money which no one individual should be expected to pay by themselves. I've made a small contribution and, if you are listed on the site, or want to support its work, please can you do the same. Obviously I only mean if you can afford it - but if most people give a little, then it secures the site's future for everyone.

Can I just say a huge thank you to Ryan. He has created, maintained and improved this site and now is going to end up spending his bank holiday weekend getting it up and running on the new server. That's well above and beyond the call of duty and I'm sure that at the next Federal Conference you will be well plied with drink, chocolate or whatever else you want.

LibDig This!

1 comment:

  1. What we have to ply him with drink and chocolate on top our our contributions already made?

    (I'm sure I can stump up for something especially at off-conference hotel bar prices)


Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.