
Saturday, June 06, 2009

#Maxout - the F1 community on Twitter gets into campaigning mode

Duncan has blogged about how F1 fans on Twitter are showing their fury at the way Max Mosley is ruining the future of the sport with the way he's carrying on at the moment.

Those of us of like mind are using a variety of different coloured Avatars with the words Save F1 - Maxout on them. You will see them beautifully dispayed on Duncan's blog because he's much cleverer than I am Mine is pink, not just because I'm a girl, but in honour of the pink shirts sported by Jake, EJ and DC on the BBC's coverage.

The original was designed by the wonderful Sarah but I can "exclusively reveal" that the idea came from me, inspired by a certain other "virtual window poster". I mentioned to Sarah that it might be a good idea to have a symbol to use on Twitter and Facebook for the Maxout campaign and she literally created one within seconds.

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