
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New Gadget Excitement

Maybe I'm more of a geek than I'd like to admit - well, I'm the sort that likes gadgets but without the knowledge to always make them work - because I am uncommonly excited with my new Blackberry which arrived today.

I was due for an upgrade and decided that I really needed to be able to connect myself to the hive mind at all times, and if I could get on Facebook and Twitter without using the laptop, then that would probably make my family quite happy!

It ended up not being that much more expensive. I was surprised that I was able to get it set up so easy as I'm used to seeing people's statuses saying things like "this blackberry is going out the window" a few days before they fall in love with it and say it's the best thing they've ever had in their lives.

I suspect that I'll have those sorts of moment with it as I'm having real trouble getting Twitterberry to work. It shows my updates ok, and my replies, but says it can't get my friends' lists or updates. What am I doing wrong?

Also, neither my sistr nor I can find each other on Blackberry Messenger.

If anyone can help sort me out with either of these things, you will have my undying gratitude.

Apart from that it's fab to be able to get and send e-mail on the move and I like the fact that the text messages are conveniently laid out so you can see conversations. I'm sure I'll have many frustrations getting the hang of it but equally sure it'll be worth it in the end.

And it's one of my five a day, too.

Oh, wait......

LibDig This!

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