
Friday, August 21, 2009

Lib Dem Success in Top 50 Scottish Blog Poll

Iain Dale is a great big tease. There. I've said it. Last night he posted a tweet saying that the Total Politics blog results would be up "soon, morning". So those of us who were on Twitter, while we pretended that we didn't actually care, went into a bit of a spin wondering whether the list would go up last night or this morning.

What he actually meant was both. At around 9pm last night, the list appeared without any fanfare on the Total Politics site. For a bunch of people who didn't care, the congratulations were very soon flying around Twitterverse.

I was completely amazed and stunned to get to number 7 from 30 last year, so I'm really grateful to everybody who voted for me. It's a rise of 23 places from last year and it appears that I'm either the top or second woman, depending on the gender of the rapidly rising Libertarian blog, Underdogs Bite Upwards. One of the depressing features of the list is that out of 50, there are only 6 women that I can see - correct me if I'm wrong, please, but it's not brilliant. I know that I would have been trounced by Subrosa if she hadn't taken herself out of the running. And if I have anything to do with it, the Scottish Blogosphere's most talented guest poster, Wendy Fraser, will have a blog of her very own to enter next year.

Congratulations must go to Tom Harris, who, unsurprisingly, comes in at number one. His blog is my guilty pleasure. Anyone who can ignite such strong emotions through the written word, even if they are often shock, anger and horror must have something going for them. He also never ever misses the chance to take the piss out of the Lib Dems. In fact, his fellow Labour MP Eric Joyce will probably not be invited back after his serious breach of protocol in this guest post earlier this week - he actually wrote the words Lib Dem without any sort of snidey comment attached to them. Despite all of that, he can also be very funny, self deprecating, down to earth, and entertaining and I do find myself reading and enjoying what he writes much more often than I'd ever admit.

It was also great to see a huge rise of 22 places for Marathon Man Malc who, by the way, you can sponsor here and to see Yousuf's excellent blog acknowledged. Nationalism and its nemesis in the form of Jeff and Scottish Unionist are up there too, along with the ever fabulous Doctorvee,whose transition to top flight journalism can't be far away and the always relevant and fascinating Will.

The Lib Dems also see remarkable success with Stephen, Andrew, Katy , Bernard, Iain, Fraser and Willie Rennie MP giving us a significant rise in our representation on the list. We are the second Party to the SNP with some very promising young bloggers, ably mentored by Blogfather Stephen ready to challenge for next year.

I'm looking forward to getting to know some of the new additions to the list in the months to come. Thank you so much again to everyone who voted for me. I really do appreciate it and I hope that I continue to do whatever it is that you like. If I don't, tell me!

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Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.