
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Birthday, Stephen Glenn

Forty years ago today, in Northern Ireland, the phenomenon that is Stephen Glenn was born. He was raised in the beautiful seaside town of Bangor, home to some of my favourite relatives, but he doesn't seem to know any of them and made his mark in both athletics and then bowls over there.

I first came across him in the run up to the 2003 Holyrood elections and started a trend that has been a bit of a recurring theme in our friendship - driving him to unfamiliar locations in the pouring rain and dumping him with a pile of leaflets.

This man's capacity for work is incredible and I expect there will be quite a custody battle for him in the build up to the election.

He's also been this blog's sugar daddy, always on hand to provide technical support.

I am just relieved that he hasn't mentioned having a Cold. When he came over to pick up the cuddly toy that's representing me at the Blog of the Year Awards tomorrow night, I was probably at my worst with the cold that's laid me absolutely low this week.

Anyway, he's in Bournemouth where some people are throwing a 5 day birthday party for him. If you're in Bournemouth, then you're sure as hell not going to be reading this, but if you aren't, go to his blog, or tweet @stephenpglenn and wish him a happy new decade.


  1. g next to Stephen as we speak, and we are both in Bournemouth reading this, so ner :P

  2. Ner back:-). Glad you two have met. Hope you are still having fun. Don't get too drunk:-)


Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.