
Friday, January 01, 2010

Farewell to David Tennant's Doctor

In just over an hour, the event I've been stockpiling all the tissues for takes place - the end of David Tennant's tenure as the Doctor. Actually, who knew I'd need the tissues to deal with a stinking cold and the rather painful consequences of poking myself in the eye with the Radio Times last night? Who knew listings magazines could be so lethal?

If you've come in here looking for a serious review, I have to disappoint. Time and my current state of one-eyedness doesn't lend itself to long spells at the laptop. Instead, I can only direct you to people who do it far better than I ever could, anyway, the lovely elephant and Jennie.. In fact, if Jennnie's theory isn't the outcome tonight, I'll be disappointed.

Like Millennium and Jennie, I felt that last week's opener didn't quite do it for me. There were some lovely moments but the story itself seemed to be lacking something. A bit like Earl Grey without the milk, for me.

It was great to see June Whitfield reach the pinnacle of her long and succeessful career by getting to squeeze David Tennant's backside. Had that been me, I think we'd still be filming as I made sure I got the scene absolutely right.

Bernard Cribbens has been absolutely awesome, playing the comedic and dramatic scenes perfectly. The scene in the cafe where the doctor confides about his impending death was heartbreaking.

I've loved David Tennant's portrayal of the Doctor for all sorts of reasons - he's brought comedy, pathos, grit and wonder to the role - but the biggest is that he's my daughter's doctor, the one who made her fall in love with the series like Tom Baker was for me. I expect some tears from her tonight.

And a final word about Russell T Davies. I know he comes in for some stick from some quarters in the Doctor Who Fandom world but I can't help but adore a man who's brought back my favourite tv programme, and my favourite character in Sarah Jane Smith and given her a whole new lease of life, and made it hugely popular must see stuff for a whole new generation. I can see why people question at the way the female roles are given out - but look again what he's done with Sarah Jane. I think the Grand Moff will be fine and I'll try my best not to hold against Matt Smith the fact that he isn't David Tenanant, because that sort of attitude rather did for my connection to Peter Davison's Doctor, but, for me, at least, Rusty in the main has been brilliant.

David - you've been fantastic. We'll really miss you, and good luck in America.

Now, on to serve up dinner before the big event........

1 comment:

  1. I must agree with everything you say about Dr. Who, David Tennent etc. I just loved the pairing with David and Kathrine Tate, that woman has me in stitches, she's great.


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