
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Carmichael says Voters' reply to Labour will start with F!

Alistair Carmichael MP, the man in charge of the Scottish Lib Dem's General Election campaign, has responded to Labour's new "A Future Fair for All" with characteristic humour. As usual, he hit the nail on the head when he said:

"Labour's latest message to voters is 'A future fair for all'.

"I would anticipate that voters' message to Labour would also begin with an 'f'.

"The problem for Gordon Brown is that he will be judged not just on his intentions but on his record.

"13 years of Labour Government have let down those who need fairness and equality most."

Inverness, Badenoch and Strathspey MP Danny Alexander also said:

"In Gordon Brown's Britain, social mobility is going backwards and a banker pays a lower rate of tax than their cleaner. That's not fairness," said Danny Alexander, chief of staff for Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg.

"Gordon Brown is wrong if he thinks that slogans will make people forget Labour's failure."

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