
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jo Swinson decides not to stand for Deputy Leadership

Well, there are more disappointing things than not having an iPad. However much I want one, it's the worst name for a product in the history of time.

Jo Swinson's tweet that she wasn't standing for Deputy Leader made me very sad. She would have been completely awesome. She has a high media profile having done brilliant things with her campaign for excess packaging and the Real Women campaign and she has literally thousands of young followers on Twitter and Facebook. She doesn't have to be deputy leader to go on inspiring and encouraging though. Had it been up to Twitter and the blogosphere I suspect she'd have won the contest by a country mile.

I shall have to console myself with the bottle of Moet et Chandon champagne I won at the school pamper night.

If the deputy leadership contest ends up between Tim Farron and Simon Hughes, my head says Tim, who has huge amounts of dynamism and energy and my heart says Simon, who is where I'm at politically. I kind of feel that my heart is owed.

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