
Friday, May 07, 2010

What should the party do next? Have your say by 2pm on Saturday

Please feel free to take the text below and e-mail it, phone it, send it with carrier pigeons or whatever to as many Lib Dems as possible - yip, this is a genuine consultation exercise, meant to go up on Lib Dem Voice which is having a few traffic issues at the moment. The Voice's Alex Foster is the author.

"On Saturday afternoon the party's Federal Executive is meeting to discuss how the party should handle the Parliamentary situation.
There's no pre-set, universally supported answer to this so the FE's discussion is going to be meaningful and important - which means that if you want to influence what the party does, now is the time to let the FE know.

Because many members of the Federal Executive are scattered around the country - sleeping, travelling back from election counts, making their way to London and so on - the FE members may be hard to get hold of and many will not necessarily be checking their emails frequently.

Therefore, in order to ensure that people have a chance to send in a view that will be read before the meeting, we've agreed with the Party President Ros Scott a special email address - which can be used to email in your views. A member of staff will collate all the messages and make sure that they are drawn to the attention of Ros and also reported to the members of the FE in time for their discussion.

A few tips when emailing this address:
- Given the pressures of time, short and concise messages are likely to be more effective than 12 pages essays
- As with letter writing or lobbying more generally, saying in full who you are and where you're from is likely to add to the impact of the message
- Please send your message as soon as possible"

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Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.