
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Let's all have a laugh at Frank McAveety

Bless Frank McAveety. People are still dining out (geddit?) on the time when, as a Minister, he had to grovel to Parliament for turning up late for Question Time and using Ministerial Business as an excuse. Ministerial greed was in fact the cause as he was actually scoffing a pie in the canteen at the time. Thing is the Holyrood canteen is frequented by journalists and guests as well as MSPs so his fib was very quickly discovered and he was lampooned for a while.

Today, when we could all do with a good laugh, he obliges again. You would have thought that after Gordon Brown's incident with Gillian Duffy, politicians would take more care when around microphones. Nah. In a break while chairing the Public Petitions Committee, Frank was recorded leching over a woman in the public gallery.

If we're honest, we've all done similar in our time, but we do tend to leave it to more appropriate moments. I just hope that everyone who comes across him in Holyrood for the next wee while takes the mickey relentlessly.

Now they say things happen in threes, so I'm just looking forward to what he comes up with for his third major gaffe. In the meantime, I'll enjoy the endorphins flowing through my system as a result of my giggling like a schoolgirl at his antics today.


  1. People in the East End still refer to the pie incident. Today's slip was just a matter of time!

  2. Anonymous6:57 am

    "There’s a very attractive girl in the second row, dark ... and dusky. We’ll maybe put a wee word out for her......She’s very attractive looking, nice, very nice, very slim. The heat’s getting to me......She looks kinda ... she’s got that Filipino look. You know ... the kind you’d see in a Gaugin painting. There’s a wee bit of culture.”

    He has to go, these comments are un-acceptable for our elected representatives, never mind a married man with two kids acting as convenor and speaking after hearing evidence on Parkinson's disease.

    What a disgrace.

  3. Anonymous9:24 am

    Alas, unlike sad cases like Sandra White I just can't muster up faux rage about this story. Daft yes but calling for him to resign from Parliament just shows what a ridiculous case Sandra White is.

  4. Anonymous6:36 pm

    I've no time for McAveety, but the pantomime sanctimoniousness from predictable quarters is just ridiculous.


Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.