
Saturday, July 31, 2010

I support Clare Balding against crassness of Sunday Times #goclare

I have no idea where my head has been this week, but I've only just realised what's been going on with BBC Sports presenter Clare Balding. The F Word has the detail on how uber-pretentious commentator A A Gill described her in some fairly questionable terms regarding her sexuality and appearance. When she complained, she was basically told she was over-reacting by the paper's editor. She's now taking her complaint to the Press Complaints Commission.

I thought she put her case very well when she responded to the editor:

"When the day comes that people stop resigning from high office, being disowned by their families, getting beaten up and in some instances committing suicide because of their sexuality, you may have a point.
This is not about me putting up with having the piss taken out of me, something I have been quite able to withstand, it is about you legitimising name calling. ‘Dyke’ is not shouted out in school playgrounds (or as I’ve had it at an airport) as a compliment, believe me.
It may be your job to defend your writer and your editorial team but if you really think that homophobia does not exist and was not demonstrated beyond being ‘the butt of a joke’ then we have a problem."
Clare is right to take this further and I think she deserves our support.

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