
Friday, August 13, 2010

Anna's been interviewed for Channel 4!

The Edinburgh Science Festival is always a feature of the Easter Holidays for us and last year Anna discovered there that she could get the chance to be a public judge at the Dare Protoplay event in Edinburgh in August.

This is basically a competition organised by the University of Abertay for teams of game designers who have been locked away developing their entries since 7th June.

She went along last year and loved trying out all the games and giving feedback to the competitors. 

She was obviously keen to go along again this year and that's where she's been all day. One of the organisers said to Bob that they were pleased to see her back because they get so few girls who are interested in this kind of stuff.

While she was there today, she was interviewed for Channel 4 for a later programme. Bob said she was answering questions quite calmly in front of the camera for about 5 minutes. I remember my first experience of  a tv interview in 1986 at the Paisley SDP conference and I was absolutely petrified. 

She is particularly passionate about one game which I won't identify at the moment until we know the results, but it sounds really good. A bit anti establishment as well as an interesting game. I wonder why that appealed to her...........

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