
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

A Voyage Round my Blogroll - Part the Third

Welcome to part 3 of my occasional series introducing you to the bloggers I've chosen to put on my blogroll.

First up today is Stephen who is one of my best friends, so I'd better declare that interest.  I first met him in the run up to the 2003 Holyrood elections and since then have developed a habit of picking him up and dumping him in various locations with large amounts of leaflets, usually in the pouring rain, and leaving him to it. He was one of the pioneers of the Lib Dem blogosphere, starting way back in 2005 on the day of the Make Poverty History  march. Looking back at the photo, I now realise I want to slap both him and Charles Dundas for failing to age in half a decade.

It's great to see Lynne Featherstone continue to blog as a Lib Dem Minister in the Coalition Government. She has always been passionate about Equalities issues and is a great person to have in that role. She recently posted this about her experience of answering questions in the Commons for the first time.

Kayleigh is one of the lovely F1 crowd I hang around with on Twitter. She works as an engineer in F1 and also shares my interest in Neighbours and Take That, among other things. She started her blog earlier this year and the post I've chosen is one she wrote about going to the British Grand Prix.

Spiderplant 88 is a relatively new addition to the Lib Dem blogosphere and it's great to have her around. She's fiery, feisty and friendly, writing with passion and relevance, showing that she understands what life is like for real people. She writes about local issues in Woking and national issues. I was caught up in this post, about her pride about the 2012 Olympics taking shape on her home ground.

There aren't enough good words in the world to properly convey how fabulous I think the wise and lovely Elephant's Very Fluffy Diaries are. I don't always agree with him on every political issue, but as a liberal I feel enriched and nourished with the essence of liberalism when I've read what he writes. Whether it's about politics or Doctor Who, he's always original. I love the names he makes up for people, his intense capitalisation to make his point, his satirical but spot on look at the world.  There are so many good posts to choose from but I've decided to link to this review of Lord Mandelson's memoirs.


  1. Hey Caron.

    Is there anything I can do to my blog to make it more likely to attract your attention?

    (other than filling it with Formula 1 posts)

  2. Well if I knew what your blog was and how to find it, that would help:-)

  3. Here is a link to a post which you might like (it mentions TNG)

  4. You didn't post the link.....:-)

  5. You didn't post the link.....:-)


Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.