
Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Liberal Democrat Voice transcription hell Roll of Honour

I am sure everyone would agree that the Liberal Democrat Voice team did a marvellous job of covering Conference. In just 5 days, their small but perfectly formed team popped out 44 posts on their Conference tag alone. It's a phenomenal amount of work when you consider that they were involved in organising 4 Fringe events as well. I keep telling people that it's Liberal Democrat Voice that should be their first port of call when they read a headline in the media that they don't like because that's where the truth tends to be.

In fact, it's the LDV team, as well as the wider blogosphere, that's playing an increasingly important role in getting the Liberal Democrat message out there.

Anyway, on Sunday afternoon, I got an e-mail from co-editor Alex Foster, who had just recorded Nick Clegg's Q & A session and was looking for volunteers to help transcribe it.  I was on a family break in Dundee with only an iPhone, having been banned from taking any other technology with me.  However, I was able to co-ordinate a wonderful band of volunteers who went at least to the fourth level of Hell in their efforts to make sense of a recording that was not of the best quality. It was real blood, sweat toil and tears stuff fand I am very grateful for their efforts.  As is Liberal Democrat Voice who have praised and published their work here.

The Roll of Honour in full, in no particular order, as they say on Strictly is:

Douglas McLellan

The Spiderplant

Stephen Glenn

Nikki Thomson

Katie Sutton

Chris Mills

James Shaddock

I am incredibly grateful to them for their hard work - and it's great that Nick's words will not now fade into obscurity as there is a full record to refer to and  hold him to account for the future.

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Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.