
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ok, Tim Farron and Susan Kramer, why should I vote for you?

I am feeling completely scunnered with this Party Presidential Election. And while I'm at it, much though I love Liberal Youth to bits, I share Michael's unimpressedness that their Executive were so quick to back any candidate, especially at a time when they were signing up new members as the university terms start who were perfectly capable of making up their own minds without direction. Being told what to do by any organisation winds me up immensely, so their move may yet be counterproductive.

Ros Scott is the best president this party has ever had, bar none. She is a brilliant chair of the Federal Executive - and steering it through the Coalition negotiations in relative harmony took calmness, the best interpersonal skills and empathetic leadership.  She threw her heart and soul into supporting campaigning across the country. She's been contactable and she listens to what people have to say. She comes as close as you can get to being irreplaceable.

And then Jennie, the only genuine grassroots candidate for President didn't get on the ballot. She would have really added a realism and a perspective to the election that will now just not be there. It was always going to be a tough challenge to get the required nominations in 2 weeks. Ros Scott spent a year and a half at least touring the country before the 2008 election in which she so comprehensively beat the frontrunner, Lembit Opik. Jennie had two weeks. She has loads to offer this party and I hope that whoever becomes President listens to her.

I'm in a dilemma now, because I genuinely don't know who to vote for. I think I'm just going to enjoy that for a while, and let them fight for my vote. All too often, I determine I'm going to be neutral in these internal party elections, but then I make my mind up quickly and end up throwing myself into a campaign. My track record isn't good, but I'm determined not to this time, for at least two weeks anyway.

Both Tim Farron and Susan Kramer have enormous strengths. I've telephone canvassed in Tim's constituency during local elections and I know that the very mention of his name, even to someone who says they're voting Conservative, brings forth a string of compliments that's almost embarrassing. You have to admire someone who increases his majority from next to nothing to 12,000.

But good people lose, too. Some of the best campaigners in the party lost their seats in May and that's no reflection on them. Sadly, Susan lost out to the eye-wateringly rich Zac Goldsmith in a very tough fight. She's a huge loss as an MP. I still remember her 2000 campaign for London Mayor. Her's was the first high profile political speech Anna ever listened to - as a 3 month old at the Party Conference in Harrogate in 1999. I was instantly impressed with Susan and her pledge to walk along every single High Street in London. I seem to remember yellow Doc Martens as well, but I can't find any evidence to back that up.

Just as an aside, if websites were my only deciding factor, Susan would win my vote hands down. Clicking on Tim's you get a block of text with a massive "endorse me" form. Susan's has video, 3 clear points as to why to back her and all the information you need on the front page.

But it's not down to that. Both of them, fabulous though they are, have issues that worry me greatly.  Put simply, they're so much a part of the London Centric Westminster Bubble that I don't see how either of them can properly represent my views as a member. In addition, as far as Tim is concerned, I don't see how as an MP working 70 hours per week minimum, even he will have the energy to put another 30 in to do the job of President properly. Although if anyone can, I concede that it's him.

Susan may not be an MP any more, but she's only just outside the bubble. Tim is still at its heart. But representing a northern constituency, he has at least a feel for what life up north is like.

I guess who gets my vote will boil down to who answers these four questions to my satisfaction:

If the Party membership is uneasy about action taken by the Government, what will you do?

We all know that the Liberal Democrats are distinctive and independent but how will you work to get that message across to the voters?

What will you do practically to support Scottish Liberal Democrats between now and their elections next year? (and the same could be said for Wales, too)

How will you improve diversity in our representation at UK level?

These are not the only questions, but they're the issues which are weighing heaviest on my mind right at this moment.

And as an added bonus, thanks to a lovely Facebook friend who phoned me and pointed me in their direction, are two 90 second videos in which Tim and Susan set out their stalls, filmed by Alex Folkes and posted here and here on You Tube, and embedded here in no particular order


  1. I think it's important to note, Caron, that whilst the LY Executive did indeed endorse Tim, it's not binding on anyone. I and another Exec member are proudly supporting Susan. It's not a case of telling people what to do and it was not intended to be. I was against endorsement and preferred endorsing Susan, but LY are perfectly within their rights to do this,because a clear majority of the exec felt this way.

    Great post, though. :) Really enjoyed reading it.

  2. I agree Caron. I am sorry Jennie could not get the signatures to stand. We are now left with an MP and an ex-MP who presumably wants to get back to Westminster as our only choices. We really need a grassroots candidate and neither fits.

    I don't know either of them personally and so I would generally leave my decision to the Scottish hustings, only I understand there will not be one. Autumn Conference accommodation is fully booked and Clifton Terrace are not able to arrange a hustings. Maybe one of the Edinburgh local parties could take it on?

  3. Find myself in a very similar position. I see strengths and weaknesses in both candidates. Mulling it over at the moment.

    BTW you are right about the Doc Martens. She wore those cos they could stand up that all that walking across London. Remember seeing it on TV news.

  4. Find myself in a very similar position. I see strengths and weaknesses in both candidates. Mulling it over at the moment.

    BTW you are right about the Doc Martens. She wore those cos they could stand up that all that walking across London. Remember seeing it on TV news.

  5. Without Jennie on the ticket I can barely muster up any enthusiasm for this forthcoming election, though much of that is down to my rapidly ebbing confidence in the national Party (but not, I hasten to add, our excellent local one - David's vote is assured from me as long as I'm one of his constituents).

    If I *had* to choose, it would be Tim for the reasons you state above; but once the voting slip arrives I'm hardly going to be as quick to return it as I was with Ros on the ticket.

  6. Anonymous4:29 pm

    It's Tim all the way! Best person for the job by miles

  7. Anonymous, your comment would probably mean more if you actually gave your name:-)

  8. Keith Legg6:14 pm

    Totally agree, Caron. I must admit my vote for Ros was, at first, a "not Lembit" one, but once you and I talked about it my vote became a definately positive one! I was hoping Jennie would get on the ballot paper but wasn't able to complete a nomination form because I'm not a conference representative.

    It does leave me with a couple of thoughts though on the Presidency. Firstly, I think we need to lower the threshold for nominations, and allow all members to nominate - the post should be open to as many people as possible and, frankly, the way it's set up at the moment you either need to be well known or be prepared to invest vast amounts of time and money in your election campaign.

    Secondly, it struck me that it's possible that the leader, deputy leader and President could all end up male - although I don't like positive discrimination, that's not good.

    So, like you, I'm completely undecided. I don't think it should be an MP; and, even accepting Susan's many plus points, I'd prefer it not to be someone from the London area. I'm almost at the point where I might actually not vote at all. I know that Tim is coming to the Scottish Conference on the 9th, and that Susan was "thinking about it" - so I guess it'll come down to what I hear from them there.

  9. Phillip10:02 pm

    I'll be voting for Tim - he's kind, interesting and always keen to talk and listen. I have only met Susan once but I think we never a proven and successful campaigner as our president and Tim's that man!


Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.