
Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy 11th Birthday, Precious Mhango

The best birthday present Precious Mhango could get today would be if Home Secretary Theresa May gave her and her mother Florence permission to remain in the UK and removed the threat of imminent deportation to Malawi.

This is the only honourable course of action for the Government. The alternatives, of deporting them to an uncertain and possibly separate future would be cruel and inhumane. Let's face it, none of this is Precious' fault, but the fact is that she's lived most of her life in this country, she speaks only English and she is effectively Scottish. You can't blame her mother for taking every legal opportunity our system offers in her long battle to be granted asylum, but the effect has been that Precious has been in the country for so long that her roots are here. To remove her after all this time would be to severely compromise her welfare.

The last Government was hauled across the legal coals often enough for failing to properly assess children's welfare before removing them from the country. I expect better of an administration that has Liberal Democrats in it.

Please take some time out to leave a message for Precious on the Facebook group today - as I said the other day on Florence's birthday, these good wishes mean an awful lot to both of them.

1 comment:

  1. Margaret White11:10 am

    At 11 there are so many changes going on in a girl's life. To take her away from a place where she's grown up and formed relationships with people and friends around her might be something that she will never get over.

    I wish both Precious and her mother, Florence, the very best of luck.


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