
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Scary Hallowe'en

I loathe and detest the day the clocks go back and we descend into an ever deeper darkness for the Winter. I am definitely a Summer months sort of person and I will find as many excuses as possible to inject a little light and fun into Winter.

It's good that this year the 5pm darkness comes along with Hallowe'en.

So Bob and Anna carved the pumpkin (I know it's supposed to be a turnip in Scotland, but, really, why would you make life so difficult for yourself?)

And then a very scary evil black cat was ready to go on the prowl.

She took an even scarier green witch for protection.

Anna did her's and my make up all by herself.

We did, however, go guising - none of this Trick or Treat nonsense.

Fun was had by all.


  1. Trouble is... you all look quite friendly, including the pumpkin!

    Just the sort of characters I'd like to bump into on a dark night :-)

  2. Helen, I was trying to look scary. Didn't I succeed even a little bit?


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