
Thursday, October 07, 2010

Twitter meme update

After I posted this meme about Twitter and all it means to me on Sunday, I tagged some people and four of them have so far responded:

Kate really was an early adopter of microblogging - I suspect she even joined before Andrew Reeves - but then she was blogging way back before any of us.  You'll have to look to see which celebrity followed her because he liked the word ditsy in her profile.

Spidey explains how Twitter helped her through a really difficult time, giving her both information and support.I also love her confession that when she over tweets, she uses her dog, Mickey's account. I'm looking forward to him tweeting when she's not around;-)

Clair and I have a fair few interests in common but she is much better than me at most things. I was interested to find out that Levar Burton, who played Geordi in Star Trek:TNG was one of the first people she followed. Mine too - along with Brent Spiner, one of my long term crushes of even more monumental proportion than the one I have on Anton Du Beke.

Jeff Breslin asked on Twitter:
Not that I'm stubbornly obtuse but after 3,702 tweets can I get away with claiming I'm still trying Twitter out?
Err, I don't think so. I actually found a post he wrote about a month into using Twitter. I secretly suspect he's more taken with it than he makes out.......

In other news, I took Sarah's advice and found  via that I'd been on Twitter since September 8th 2008 - so Saturday will be my 25 month anniversary.

And, best of all, the great Alistair Carmichael is back. Note the fearsome photograph on his Twitter page - befitting of a Chief Whip, I think - and his characteristic modesty in a conversation about the X Factor:
They couldn't afford me. Simon Cowell - the poor man's Alistair Carmichael

Oh, and I loved reading Clair's Spidey's and Kate's stories so much that if you tweet, please consider yourself tagged because I want to read your's too.


  1. I have been working on my response just been one of those weeks with one thing or another. Work and external issues.

  2. Yep, I reckon you're right Caron. Twitter is useful and enjoyable, hugely so at times. I'm in it for the long haul.


Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.