
Saturday, November 06, 2010

Rise of the Left on Wikio - and the Scottish and Lib Dem Rankings November 2010

Well, the Wikio rankings for November are out and the big news is that Tory blogger Iain Dale has been toppled from the top spot for the first time in about a million years. I don't think I can remember a time when he wasn't number 1.

He now has to settle for 3rd as Liberal Conspiracy takes the top spot and Left Foot Forward scoots into second. Guido's drop isn't happening quite fast enough for me, as he only falls one place, to 4th.

Looking through the rankings, many of the blogs with little green arrows next to them, indicating a rise, are left leaning - Labour Uncut, Labourlost, Political Scrapbook, Lenin's Tomb, Left Futures, Labour Matters and ToUChstone, the TUC blog are just some examples.

Also of interest is that legal blogger Jack Of Kent continues his rise and New Humanist Magazine's blog also climbs to 48. You'll find both on my blogroll.

The Liberal Democrat lists sees the loss of Mark Reckons who stopped blogging,sadly, in August but it's good to see A Lanson Boy in there.

In full, the Lib Dem blogs in the top 100 are;

Liberal Democrat Voice (7)
Caron's Musings (51)
Craig Murray (55)
Liberal England (56)
Stephen's Liberal Journal (63)
Mark Pack (64)
Liberal Burblings (72)
Liberal Vision (77)
Jennie Rigg (82)
Peter Black (84)
Nick Thornsby (85)
Andrew Reeves (90)
A Lanson Boy (93)

In Scotland, Better Nation starts what I expect will be a relentless and merited climb to the top but other than that, things stay relatively constant. Worthy of mention is Lallands Peat Worrier's continuing rise.  I can avoid no longer the fact that I've dropped like a stone, falling 14 places, but I posted less last month and I also enjoyed a lot of links from Liberal Democrat Voice in September because of the BOTYs.

Here's the Scottish list in full:

Tom Harris (13) - a fall, against the Labour trend, but he's hardly of the left, is he?
Cute Greek Baby (36) - who, sadly, has decided to stop his sweary blogging due to lack of red mist.
Alex Massie (40)
Caron's Musings (51)
Subrosa (53)
Stephen's Liberal Journal  (63) - yes, I know he's in Northern Ireland, but I can't bear to take him off
Underdogs Bite Upwards (67)
Lallands Peat Worrier (75)
Andrew Reeves (90)
Better Nation (94)

If you have a blog, it's worth submitting it to Wikio which you can do here. If they don't know about you, they can't include you.  We need more women, too. Jennie and I are the only ones on the Lib Dem list and Subrosa and I are the only ones on the Scottish list. There are plenty others who should be there but who, for some reason aren't.


  1. I gather that they are changing their methods of ranking. A bit like how Google change their methods every now and then.

  2. Dear Caron,
    Do you know why Spider Plant has left blogging? She was so good. I will miss her.

  3. Maelo, she's still there - she's just moved her blog. The new address is here:


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