
Monday, December 27, 2010

My Festive Scottish Roundup

Those nice people at Scottish Roundup have let me take on a second stint as Admin Editor (ie sorting out the paperclips and organising the tea rota) for the next couple of months.

We were going to leave the Christmas week, but with my love of Christmas sparkle and kitsch, and Mr Sheridan's wee spot of bother, I thought I'd do one for posterity and you can find it here. We ask people to send in their nominations each week but everyone clearly had better things to do in the run up to Christmas because we'd had three in total. I thought that someone, somewhere must have taken photos of the lunar eclipse that happened on the Winter Solstice, so I did a quick search of blogs on Google and found one which had posted some stunning images of the eclipse from a snowy north east. Truly amazing.

This weekend, my aim is to do a wee review of the year, so if you want to nominate any particular posts from or about Scotland that you've written or read this year, just comment here and I'll make sure they're included.

If you fancy trying your hand at putting a Roundup together, it's really easy and enjoyable. I'm preparing a rota for contributors to take us up to the middle of March. The slots I have left are 20th and 27th February and 6th and 13th March. You don't have to be a blogger - regular readers/commenters are also welcome to try their hand if they want. Just let me know if you want a go and tell me the date you'd like.

But now, having watched it twice, I'm off to write up my review of the amazing Doctor Who Christmas Special.

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Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.