
Saturday, January 01, 2011

The Morning After...........and a New Year's Day Quiz.

I have accepted the fact that I'm not going to get back to sleep this morning, so have come downstairs and made the first of many cups of Earl Grey I shall drink in 2011. That's a prediction that's bound to come true.

I couldn't believe that I was awake at 8:17 when I didn't get to sleep till 4. It doesn't seem fair somehow. Mind you, I'm not going to complain too much because the Sinusitis I had yesterday responded to the drugs and seems to have shuffled off with its tail between its legs and because last night was absolutely brilliant.

We went round to our friends Martin and Susan's house. There were 17 of us in total, 9 kids and 8 adults. I did slightly feel as if I'd landed in some sort of surreal alternate universe, because it's not often you see our friend Stevie with a cup of tea at a party. Unfortunately, though, he's working today and as I sit in my nice warm kitchen typing, he'll be up a mobile phone mast somewhere in the cold and rain. So if you are using your mobile phone today, it might well be because of him that it works.

We had a real laugh, including a lengthy and very funny game of charades. We also discovered the joys of putting wild hibiscus flowers in our champagne (or Elderflower Fizz in my case). I felt very brave as it looked absolutely disgusting when it first went in - a bit like an evil looking insect. However, it gave a very pretty pink colour to the bubbly and was delicious to eat.

It was just a really, happy, relaxed time and I'm really grateful to Susan and Martin for having us, feeding us such delicious food and drink - and for all the clearing up they are doubtless going to have to do today.

One thing we didn't get round to doing was the Quiz. When we went to Pippa's earlier in the week, Susan had asked us to make up 10 questions each to have in a competitive quiz, but we never got round to using them. It's a shame to let that effort go to waste, though, so you can try it instead. You are absolutely not allowed to use the internet or anything else at all to research your answers. You have to guess the answers and put them in the comments. There is also no prize, but you might learn something you didn't know already - and which will be of absolutely no use to you in the future. The person who gets most answers right, or comes closest, will get an honourable mention though.

So, if you are wanting a little gentle mental exercise, here goes:

How many moons does Saturn have?

How many medals did Great Britain win at the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010?

Name all the Von Trapp children in the film The Sound of Music

How many followers does Stephen Fry have on Twitter (as at 13:55 on 31st December 2010)

Coronation Street and EastEnders both had major anniversaries in 2010. On 2 January 2011, the Archers celebrates a major milestone.   Add together the number of years each programme has been going.  What number do you get?

According to the 2010 Sunday Times Rich List, how much is Simon Cowell worth?

What is the length of mainland Scotland’s coastline in miles according to the British Cartographic Society?

Where will the first F1 Grand Prix of 2011 be held?

What number, according to a famous science fiction book, represents the meaning of life?

How many balls were used at Wimbledon this year?

Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. How many moons does Saturn have? 9

    How many medals did Great Britain win at the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010? 1

    Name all the Von Trapp children in the film The Sound of Music
    Liesl, Kurt, Freidrich, Marta, Brigitta, Gretl

    How many followers does Stephen Fry have on Twitter (as at 13:55 on 31st December 2010) 1,230,000

    Coronation Street and EastEnders both had major anniversaries in 2010. On 2 January 2011, the Archers celebrates a major milestone. Add together the number of years each programme has been going. What number do you get? 125

    According to the 2010 Sunday Times Rich List, how much is Simon Cowell worth? £700m

    What is the length of mainland Scotland’s coastline in miles according to the British Cartographic Society? 1,843

    Where will the first F1 Grand Prix of 2011 be held? Bahrain

    What number, according to a famous science fiction book, represents the meaning of life? D'oh tough one. 42

    How many balls were used at Wimbledon this year? 76,455


Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.