
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Caron's Corkers - 13th February 2011

Again, it's been too long since I've done one of these. I must get into the habit of doing it more regularly.

First up, Lib Dem Councillor Richard Kemp finds he's on the receiving end of unjustified stirring from the Tories and the right wing press, perhaps a sign of the times.

Cicero on how our political establishment is closing ranks, and how the Liberal Democrats could open it up.

And here's Kelvin's beautiful tribute to his faithful companion, Tilly. 

Julian Huppert writes for Lib Dem Voice about the dialogue on the Digital Economy Act - there may be hope after all. 

Anne McLaughlin looks back over her time as an MSP and reminds us with her freshness, honesty and habit of wearing her heart on her sleeve exactly why she's such a good representative. She'll be missed. She's one of my Top Ten MSPs. Oh, and while I'm at it, I notice that nobody else has followed up with this meme. Have we all descended to tribal bunkers already?

Have you thought that some of your Facebook friends have been a bit quiet recently? Jennie in her more regular equivalent round up thingy, has found out why and how to fix it.

And if you ever wondered what people could find out about you online, Florizel Media tell you how to discover your digital identity - for free.

And, finally, Keris has one of those conversations with her son that she'll never forget. It's amazing how they see things sometimes.

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