
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Commemorating 100 million missing women - Garterstitch 100's International Women's Day Project

The world isn't really separated into those who can knit and those who can blog, but I certainly can't do the former, so instead I'm going to publicise an imaginative project taking place in Glasgow for International Women's Day.

It's estimated that 100 million women are missing from the world today for various entirely preventable reasons, ranging from sex trafficking to gender motivated infanticide to complications in childbirth which would be fixable easily with the correct medical help.

In order to commemorate these missing women, a blanket, made up of six inch squares, representing a stitch for each woman, is being knitted and will be displayed on the day at the Glasgow Tramway Theatre and subsequently sold to make money for The Women's Support Project, Glasgow Women's Library, Apneap, Care (don't worry, not the homophobic lot which I was initially worried about until I checked it out) and the Fawcett Society.

If you are capable in the knitting direction, why don't you have a go at knitting a square?  There are full instructions here about how to do it and where to send it. All squares have to be in by Tuesday 1st March. 

I think raising awareness of the problems that women face across the world is really important, as is raising money for those organisations who are trying to help them. Garterstitch 100 is a good initiative and I hope this inspires you to be a part of it. 

Thanks to Vonnie at Adventures of a Lady in Training for drawing my attention to this.

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