
Friday, February 25, 2011

Help my friend Graeme raise funds for Alzheimer Scotland

Have a look at this video in which the Duchess of Hamilton tells of her husband's distressing experiences in hospital which have led her to spearhead a 3 year fundraising campaign to provide hospital staff with greater awareness of the needs of patients with dementia and to provide specialist nurses.  Like they say, often the things that are needed aren't rocket science, but if people don't understand the condition, basic needs of Dementia sufferers in hospital can be left unmet, or preventable medical intervention becomes necessary.

That's just one aspect of the work of Alzheimer Scotland. Dementia is really hard for both sufferers and those who care for them to live with. I don't have any direct experience myself, but a fair few of my friends have, and in fact two of them lost their dads last October to the condition.  Alzheimer Scotland can support people through the minefield of legal, emotional, financial and day to day care issues and their support is vital.

My friend Graeme Littlejohn, who works for George Lyon MEP, is one of those who lost their dads last October. Graeme is a brave, active, outdoors type who does things with a surfboard that I could only have nightmares about. He was one of the crazy souls who undertook the Team Hopeless-Ness venture in 2008  for Alzheimer Scotland. In three weeks' time he's doing a half marathon in Alloa and hopes to raise £500 - although with the generosity of people in the last 24 hours, which has almost seen him get half way to that, I hope that he'll be able to raise that target. In fact, I think it would be good if he could beat the £1200 the Team Hopeless-Ness caper netted. There is a little widget just on the right hand side of my page and if you can see your way to adding to his total, you can do with just one little click.

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