
Monday, February 28, 2011

Holyrood Hustings: Breakthrough Breast Cancer Scotland

Breakthrough Breast Cancer Scotland are holding an election hustings to discuss issues around breast cancer, and women's health in time of recession on 9th March, that's a week on Wednesday, between 7 and 8 pm at the Storytelling Centre on the Royal Mile.

Speakers are:

Nicola Sturgeon, SNP

Jackie Baillie, Labour

Ross Finnie, Liberal Democrat

Nanette Milne, Conservatives

Alison Johnstone, Green Party

Members of the audience will get the chance to ask questions and can register to attend by contacting the Breakthrough Scotland Campaigns Officer, Janis McCulloch, via e-mail or by phone 0131 226 0769. I'm intending to be there, tweeting away as long as I'm allowed to, so hope to see you, too.

If you are holding a hustings in these elections, or know of any taking place, let me know and I'll publicise them here.

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