
Monday, February 21, 2011

Holyrood Hustings: get your tickets for Scotland Votes' 4 topical debates

In the run up to the Scottish election campaign, some high profile debates will be taking place to explore the main issues. I'll post details of as many as I hear about so that you can get tickets if you want.

Scotland on Sunday, in conjunction with Weber Shandwick and Scotland Votes have set up a series of 4 debates on successive  Mondays beginning on 7th March with the relevant spokespeople from the four main parties. In the interests of fairness, I really have to wonder why the Greens aren't going to be there, though.

Anyway, all events take place in the Scotsman building on Holyrood Road on the following dates:

Monday 7th March: Education. Annoyingly, at school run time, 3pm

Monday 14th March: Justice. At an equally annoying 3.30 pm

Monday 21st March: Health. At a much more civilised 12.30 pm

Monday 28th March: Economy. Also at 12.30 pm.

I don't have to be too annoyed about missing the first two, though, as they will be streamed live on the Scotland Votes website and I will be able to tweet through them to my heart's content.

Anyone can get tickets for them, and they're free - so register here for as many sessions as you can attend. I hope to meet some of you at the last two.

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