
Monday, April 11, 2011

My Favourite Facebook Fan pages #sp11

I just thought I'd go through some of my favourite election related Facebook fan pages and invite you to take a look if you hadn't already done so.

First of all, there's Tavish Scott's which is being regularly updated with news from the campaign trail. I know he's off to the Science Festival in Edinburgh today with Alex Cole Hamilton so hopefully there will be some news on that later.

Then there's Willie Rennie for the Scottish Parliament.  The former MP for Dunfermline is hoping to become a list MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife. If you take a look, you'll see why campaigning on Saturday ended up with him in pain. I very cruelly burst out laughing when I read it. Not big or clever.

Then there's the Save our Police campaign page giving all the latest news from our campaign to stop Labour, SNP and Conservatives centralising our police force, costing nearly £100 million and potentially the jobs of 3000 or 4000 police officers on the beat.

Support Iain Smith's awesome campaign to retain North East Fife.

Turning to the AV Referendum, the same people who did the "if we can get Rage against the machine to number 1, we can get the Lib Dems into office" page last year have done this one "Yes to alternative vote on 5th May".

There's also the official Yes to Fairer Votes campaign. 

Just a wee selection to whet your appetites.................

1 comment:

  1. I am liking these Facebook approaches - especially the unofficail ones. The value of Facebook for campaigning and for business is growing! Trying to understand it!



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