
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Getting to know Willie Rennie

You can imagine my extreme annoyance to find that Blogger was down all of yesterday so I couldn't write about my old boss Willie Rennie announcing his candidacy for the leadership of the Scottish Liberal Democrats.

I should point out that he is not paying me any more, nor will he be, so I am under no obligation to be nice to him, and if I disagree with him in the future, you'll know about it. And if he thinks I will treat him with any sort of reverence, just because he's leader, he should disabuse himself of that notion quickly to avoid disappointment:-).

I think he's pretty much exactly what the party needs, though. His interview on STV last night was crammed with personality, passion and principles and that's how his leadership will be. Don't expect flowery, dramatic oratory from him, because it's not his style, but you'll get straight talking, heartfelt liberalism in vast quantities.

This is a guy who runs up big hills for pleasure. And sometimes, just to make it a bit more difficult, he sticks a big bag of coal on his back. He's not known for making things easy for himself and shying away from tough challenges.

I wrote a little more about him on The Steamie, and by way of introduction to someone I am really pleased to welcome to the blogging scene, my friend Keith Legg, here is his take on our new likely leader.

When I say likely, it's not out of complacency.  It's that he is probably going to be the only candidate. Certainly the Liberal Democrats I've spoken to over the last few days, many of whom would normally prefer a contest, are happy to see Willie installed as quickly as possible. I went to Jo Swinson's and Duncan Hames' wedding (of which no details, because they deserve their privacy, except that she was utterly beautiful and they looked so happy) last night armed with nomination forms for Willie to unobtrusively collect signatures.So much for that idea - everyone else on my table had brought them along too.

By the way, Blogger has not restored, as promised, the 4 posts I wrote on Thursday. You have missed some of my best work (sob). And I won't be around much this weekend. I'm just off to the school fete and then tonight I'm off to Dunfermline for my lovely friend Richie's 40th ceilidh. Tomorrow I have the awesome Edinburgh Central team's thank you party. Our entire social life for the year seems to be centred on this weekend so you may not see me again until Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Caron, I was able to find my own lost posts on Google Reader - I've just checked your feed on Reader and your missing posts are there as well, so you could copy and paste them back on if you like.


Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.