
Saturday, May 07, 2011

Tavish Scott resigns as Scottish Liberal Democrat leader #sp11

It was always going to be an emotional meeting of the Scottish Liberal Democrat Executive this afternoon in the wake of the worst election results in 30 years in Scotland.  I expected emotion as we were all very sad, but I never expected that it would be in any way uplifting.

I guess we Liberal Democrats are used to challenging circumstances. The meeting was conducted in a realistic, honest and very positive way.

I've never been in a room before when a leader has announced his resignation. I got a bit emotional, and I'll never forget the shock and genuine affection for Tavish. I hope it made him feel good too.

I've written more about this over at Liberal Democrat Voice. Please go and have a look.


  1. I was sorry to hear it, especially as it wasn't Tavish's fault.

  2. william1:22 am

    Tavish was useless and you were humped.
    Get over it and support your country in the coming battle against the Tories for independence.

  3. Andy Reeves2:17 pm

    If the Scottish Lib dems dont break away completely from London then you will just get another pasting, maybe next year at the local elections.

    Voters can see right through the way you boast about coalition successes, while simultaneously talking about your anger at the coalition and how it has caused you so many problems.


Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.