
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Caron at Conference: Let's get the moans out of the way now.

So, I'm on a train, heading home in time to see my daughter when she comes out of school this afternoon. At this moment, Michael Moore, Secretary of State for Scotland, is delivering his keynote speech.

I am not the only Scot who's left. There are very few of us still in Birmingham to cheer him on.

Would it not have made more sense to put him and Welsh leader Kirsty Williams on earlier in the week - and perhaps in the same session? It feels like the "regional" elements are being put in the post Glee Club graveyard slot which is hardly a sensible way for a federal party to showcase our achievements across the UK.

Another serious criticism I'd have is that the main exhibition is out of the way, upstairs from the main hall. I spent the better part of 3 hours in there yesterday afternoon. I think that if people are paying a significant amount for stalls, then the least we Conference reps can do is take the time to speak to as many people as possible.

Because there were stalls on the same level as the main hall, many people didn't realise that there was a much bigger exhibition upstairs.A lot of the exhibitors mentioned that they had noticed decreased footfall from previous years.

I realise that there is not a lot that can be done about the layout of a building, but surely to goodness they could have put some decent signs up. Also chairs should have been briefed to encourage people to go up to the exhibition - and I didn't hear that happen once.

All in all, though, it was a great Conference, well organised and packed with exciting fringes. There is always room for improvement - and these were y main gripes.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:On a train travelling north

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