
Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy 21st Birthday to George Potter #ldconf

George Potter has made his mark on the Liberal Democrat blogosphere this past year with some excellent posts highlighting Liberal Democrat achievements and predicting the collapse of Scotland into anarchy.

It's on the issue of the changes to the Employment and Support Allowance where he's made his mark on this year's Conference.  Cutting benefits to sick and disabled people is something which every Liberal Democrat should oppose and he's given us the chance to do that by being the driving force behind the motion on Saturday. Liberal Youth's motion, strengthened by the amendment from Glasgow North and others highlights the many flaws in the system of work capablility assessments set up by Labour and expanded by the Coalition. Passing it would give the vulnerable a fighting chance in a complex system by ensuring that they have representation to fight wrong decisions and keeping very strong tabs on the private company who implements the test.

And all this before his 21st birthday.

We'll leave aside my feelings of alarm that somebody born in 1990 can now be reaching this milestone to wish George a very happy day today. If you see him at Conference, be sure to wish him well. I'd say buy him a drink, but there are 5000 of you and that would probably breach some Government guidelines almost certainly damage his liver.

George, have a brilliant 21st birthday and an excellent year ahead.

We shouldn't forget that Stephen will be there on Monday celebrating his second 21st birthday.

It'll be a long weekend of celebrations. I'm even more excited about going to Conference than I was before.

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