
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Video: Ewan Hoyle's speech proposing drugs policy motion at #ldconf

I have rarely been prouder of my party than I was late last Sunday afternoon when we passed new policy, championed by Glasgow's Ewan Hoyle, calling for the consideration of the Portuguese system whereby people arrested for possession of drugs aren't put through the criminal justice system, but helped with the issues that led them to drugs in the first place, whether that be mental health, poverty, poor housing, or family problems.

I published Ewan's speech in full the other day, but he's now put it on You Tube. Please can you circulate this far and wide - it's so important to win this argument and get this policy implemented. Lives depend on it.


  1. "but helped with the issues that led them to drugs in the first place, whether that be mental health, poverty, poor housing, or family problems"

    Oh dear another flawed liberal point of view.
    Everyone I've seen or heard talking about drugs said they initially took them because they liked the buzz. Millions of kids take ecstasy, coke, jellies, crack valium. Or anything they can get their hands on to get high. Plus alcohol of course which is the most abused drug ( but legal so ok).
    But of course we need to have the thousands of well paid 'outreach workers' et al who will suck the taxpayer dry with their flawed solutions to ' the problem'.

  2. Decriminalise drugs simple really but there are too many connections with big business, religions for most politicians to even contemplate such a heinous thought.

  3. CH, are we actually agreeing on something? Wonders will never cease!

    I think that politicians should look at the evidence & just go with it, and not worry about the tabloid bile. The more cross party the better. There are times when you really have to work together.

  4. Caron,

    Well, I completely agree with this too. And it is completely true that every which politician runs away from this.

    I'm SNP, if that matters.


Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.