
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Willie Rennie is not whimpering in a cupboard - Brian Taylor

Featured on Liberal Democrat Voice

Brian Taylor used the backdrop of the hurricane to discuss the current state of Scottish politics in his blog the other day.

There was praise for the Liberal Democrats at Holyrood and new leader Willie Rennie:

The Lib Dems at Holyrood are fairly settled.
Decidedly fewer MSPs than they had bargained for - but a federal party constitution and a newly elected leader in Willie Rennie who has plainly opted to "go for it": to disdain the option of whimpering in a cupboard, choosing instead to offer his views, strongly, on anything and everything
This is the latest in a long line of accolades in our leader's direction and highlights his resilience and relevance. Willie will never be the whimpering sort - and is exactly what the party needs to motivate it and keep it going. The Holyrood stuff is actually the thin end of what he's been doing. He's the first leader in a while who appears to actually like the party, to relish spending time with the grassroots.  He's making a huge effort to listen and consult - but also to motivate and get people out there on the doors talking to people. He recently told a gathering of Council candidates and campaigners to ask themselves every day how they can further their election bids. He's a rounded character - his fingerprints are all over free personal care and tuition fees from the first coalition term at Holyrood when he was Chief of Staff, and he knows what he's talking about when he gives campaign advice and leads by example by getting out on the streets with them. 

In contrast, Taylor talks about the "guddle and introspection" in the Labour party who will not choose it's leader until 17th December. He also asks how Murdo Fraser can continue to serve in the Scottish Conservatives if he loses their leadership contest.


  1. How can it be called a blog?


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    It's a propaganda plug and has no creditability left in a democracy.

  2. I just say what I think, CH.

    And I'm quite happy to argue with anyone if I think they're wrong.

    I'm perfectly sure I'm not flavour of the month with Lib Dem conference organisers or DWP ministers at the moment.

    But, when I see good things happen, I'm going to write about that too. I believe in politics being positive and respectful within and across parties.

  3. Caron: because pro-unionist journalist and media types think that Willie Rennie loudly bumping his gums about anything and everything is doing a good job and holding the SNP to account does not actually make it true. Is it going to be another lesson in politics being the art of the possible? Remember in Inverclyde Willie's first dry run as leader the people who hithertofore voted for you did not agree with the like of Cochrane and Taylor (those paragons of impartiality) and return to voting Lib Dem in their droves. Lost deposit wasn’t it? Nor indeed have the opinion polls improved in light of Mr Rennie’s shrill commentary on just about everything.

  4. Am Firinn8:37 pm

    Steady on. Mr Taylor's remarks about offering views strongly on anything and everything isn't necessarily a compliment. After all, Lord Foulkes used to do that, and I'm not sure even Unionists took him seriously, let alone normal people. I'm afraid I can't help thinking that Mr Rennie has been bidding for Lord Foulkes' moth-eaten ermine-trimmed mantle as licensed Unionist buffoon in the Scottish Parliament. After all, it's not as though anyone has to take 5 MSPs very seriously...


Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.