
Monday, October 10, 2011

I was on Call Kaye talking about the Braehead photo scandal

As I wrote earlier, I was on Call Kaye this morning talking about the incident in Braehead where poor shopper Chris White ended up being tackled by Police and security for taking a perfectly innocent photo of his 4 year old daughter eating ice cream. I wrote more about that incident earlier today. You can hear my contribution to the programme from around 48:30 here.

Anyway, you can hear me talking about the time a local sports centre stopped parents taking photos of their own child's birthday party because they didn't have the written permission of the parents of all the guests.

I have to say Anne Houston, the Chief Executive of charity Children 1st, played a total blinder on that programme as the voice of common sense and reason. She has a professional background as a social worker and knows exactly what she's talking about.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent stuff on the radio. It's a fascinating story.


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