
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Amnesty Scotland protest against Guantanamo Bay

Taking people from their families, transporting them to the other side of the world and locking them up without hint of charge or trial for years on end.

Who would do that?

Sickeningly, still the good old US of A.

Obama promised to shut the place, but has only protected US citizens.

Amnesty's campaign to protest against the US's grim military detention camp at Guantanamo Bay comes to Edinburgh today. From 12-3, they will be encouraging people to sign their global petition at the corner of Princes Street and North Bridge.

I'm going to go in for a wee while.

If you're wondering why it's an issue, watch Amnesty's video.

Treating people in this way is absolutely wrong and, frankly, does nothing to stop terrorism.

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