
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Nick Clegg is doing PMQs today at 12 noon

Don't forget that while David Cameron is off schmoozing with President Obama, it's our Nick Clegg who will be doing PMQs today at 12.

He'll face Harriet Harman, who launched a bizarre attack on him, suggesting that the Liberal Democrats were being sidelined because they weren't in America with Cameron and were left here.

I wonder if that's how she felt when Brown, Darling and Miliband went off places without her when she was Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. She never even got to be Deputy Prime Minister. It's clear from the memoirs of others that her experience of Government is one of frequently being silenced and excluded and treated as an irritation. I think that's a real shame for her because there are many things in the feminism/equality area that I broadly agree with her on.

So her bitter words seem to have more resonance with her own experience of that position than the reality of the Coalition Government where the Liberal Democrats are getting far more of their ideas implemented than Harriet did and are taken far more seriously within the Government.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing Nick take questions. It's going to be a tough one with the unemployment figures out and no doubt there will be some mischief making on the Health and Social Care Bill. I just hope he puts Harman in her place with a few reminders about the quarter of a billion Labour blew on private companies for nothing in return. As far as youth unemployment is concerned, Nick can talk about his Youth Contract which will really help young people struggling to find work.

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