
Thursday, March 08, 2012

Patrick Harvie's Clock Up

Surely there has to be an easier way of getting something done in the Scottish Parliament than this?

How much has it cost in terms of staff time and effort for Patrick Harvie's question - "to ask the Corporate Body whether they will consider installing a clock in the Garden Lobby" - to be processed? Could he not just have had a wee word with the Presiding Officer and ask her to bring it up at the next meeting? It's cool to talk, you know!

As for the principle - do people not have watches and smartphones these days? Why do they need a clock?

Actually, the person who needs a timepiece most is the Presiding Officer, Tricia Marwick. I'm disappointed that she's letting standards which already left much to be desired at First Minister's Questions slip even further. She lets the leaders' questions drag on for way too long. It was nearly twenty five past by the time Willie Rennie got to even ask his question today. And outside the leaders' questions, there seems to be nothing but a succession of fawning questions from SNP members which surely must have been written by the Whips.

First Minister's Questions is there to hold the Government to account through its leader, not to massage his already substantial ego.

Willie Rennie surely showed how to properly question a Minister today.

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