
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Join Willie Rennie's campaign to save our buses!

The SNP Government has cut the grant it gives to bus operators by 17.5%. In a nutshell, this means fewer buses and higher fares. People can ill afford such a hike in the costs of getting out and about - and if you don't have a car, having the bus service you rely on cut back is a really big deal.

Like he did on the colleges, Willie Rennie has found a way for the Government to reverse these cuts by using extra money from the UK Government as a result of the Budget.

He's asking people to sign his petition to ask the SNP to use this extra money, £9 million this year and £7 million next year to reduce the impact of the cuts to services and jobs.

Willie spent the Autumn campaigning for the SNP to spend an earlier sum from the UK Government on saving college places and was successful in persuading them to amend the Budget to do so. He will simply not give up on this one either.

Jim Hume, the Liberal Democrat transport spokesman had this to say:
“The extra money coming from Westminster gives us the opportunity to take action to help passengers.
"The extent of the problem has become much clearer since the Scottish Budget was passed with some passengers already starting to feel in the impact of the cuts with fare increases and reduced services.
“The Transport Minister has rushed through these plans at a time when we should be promoting the use of buses in an effort to cut our carbon emissions.
"I want the SNP government to use the extra money made available by the UK Coalition government to protect bus services in Scotland.
If your bus services have been cut, leave a comment to let me know which ones - and then go and sign our petition. 

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