
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Nick Clegg on Andrew Marr this morning - Eurozone, human rights, immigration and vested interests

Another superb performance from Nick Clegg on Andrew Marr this morning. As befits someone who was there when the Euro was born, working for then EU Trade Commissioner Sir Leon Brittain, he showed that he really knows his stuff on the decisive reforms needed to sort the crisis out.

I did for a moment think that I'd have liked him to say that we wouldn't put up with any stupid Tory ideas to curb immigration, but his take on this was to try to calm the "breathless hysteria" of the press. Picking a fight with Theresa May on live tv maybe wasn't the best way to accomplish that. I have confidence that he'll allow common sense to prevail.

Other highlights were a very clear statement that he didn't think a free vote on equal civil marriage was necessary as religious people weren't being asked to sacrifice anything and an attack on vested interests in politics and how 2 years in Government has made him even more convinced of their pernicious influence.

He didn't say that much about the demo outside his house yesterday. He really just said that he and Miriam had decided that their kids should have as normal a life as possible and that's why they hadn't gone and moved into a Government flat when he became Deputy Prime Minister. For what it's worth, I think UK Uncut went too far. Politicians' houses should be off limits. Yes, they have a right to peaceful protest, but they should exercise it with some responsibility.

Anyway, here are my tweets from the interview, as is my custom, in a wee Storify thingy. Hope you find them useful.

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