
Tuesday, January 08, 2013

30 Day Doctor Who Challenge - Day 6: Favourite special episode

The Christmas Invasion is a really hot contender for this one - mostly because David Tennant's first full episode is Anna's favourite. It was the show that hooked her on the show and for that I will always be grateful to it. Interesting take, too, on how politics sweats the small stuff. The British PM orders the destruction of an alien ship in retreat, but it's the fact that she looks tired that does for her. And we know from Stolen Earth/Journey's End that Harriet Jones learned from the experience.

I love the Five Doctors, just like Jennie - although I am vexed that there was no new Tom Baker in it. So good to see Pertwee, Sarah Jane and Bessie, though.

Dimensions in Time was great, but just not long enough. I wanted so much more.

The End of Time was so emotional, a real rollercoaster, with brilliant acting from Tennant, Simm, Cribbens, Whitfield et al. It was a fitting farewell for Ten but I still can't watch it without blubbing my eyes out.

The Snowmen was intriguing and the inclusion of Team Vastra made it particularly good.

Most people hated the flying shark Christmas Special. I didn't. You're allowed that kind of stuff at Christmas.

It's not my favourite, though. That honour has to go to incredibly unschmaltzy The Runaway Bride. It is hilarious. Tthe action scenes when the TARDIS is hovering above the motorway rescuing Donna from the taxi and the reactions of the kids in the other cars are spectacular. Her shoutiness and indignation, his lack of money, the way she learns to trust him, the Empress of the Rachnoss, it's all pretty good. And it made us want more of the Doctor and Donna together - which we got with the fourth season.

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