
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Doctor Who 30 Day Challenge - Day 18: Favourite actress

Lis Sladen would win this one hands down, but I've already written about her lots during the course of this challenge and elsewhere, so let's leave her out and look at the wider "whoniverse".

Alex Kingston has managed to get across the complex River Song very well - the vulnerablility, the sassiness, the courage of someone who has been kidnapped, abused, and still turns out all right in the end.

Sheila Hancock was fantastic as Margaret T  Helen A in the Happiness Patrol.

Angela Bruce got exactly what a Doctor Who brigadier should be about - bit of British stiff upper lip, but also open minded - in Battlefield.

Annette Badlands is brilliant as Margaret Slitheen - and also extremely pleasant in person. We met her at Starfury: Midnight in December.

Then there's Frances Barber's evil Madame Kovarian.

Sarah Lancashire as Miss Foster was conniving and easily able to share the stage with Tennant and Tate.

Jean Marsh's Morgaine from Battlefield was condescending, evil and funny.

And I know I said no companions, but I think a special mention of Karen Gillan's portrayal of the older Amy in The Girl who Waited is supreme. I just wish they'd had the imagination to let that character survive.

And, of course, little Caitlin Blackwood, who played the young Amelia Pond is just too cute, in every sense of the word.

Who to pick as favourite? I think it probably has to be Sheila Hancock. She really was supreme.

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