
Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Carmichael Twinterview - Pandas, policy and cake

Just before Christmas, Scottish Liberal Democrat members received a newsletter which contained a “Twinterview” with Chief Whip and Scottish Deputy Leader Alistair Carmichael. This is a chat he had with me – in which questions and answers had to be within 140 characters reproduced here for your amusement.
CL: You clearly enjoy social media despite the risk that it might get you into trouble some day. Why do you do it and what do you like about it?
AC: Despite? Because of the risk! Facebook allows me to stay in touch with party members & constituents and indulge my obsession with pandas
CL: Pandas?
AC: Go to Youtube and search “Never Say No To Panda”. It may not appeal to everyone but it makes me laugh. Humour helps me cope with stress.
CL: Congrats on your new role as Deputy Leader. Everyone does the job their way. What do you want to achieve?
AC: Supporting Willie Rennie in rebuilding the party, explaining what we achieve in government at Westminster and what we could do at Holyrood
CL: What’s your top tip for persuading people to join the Liberal Democrats?
AC: Be confident, positive and ask! Tell people what we’ve achieved. I am fed up with Lib Dems apologising 2 Labour 4 us cleaning up their mess.
CL: So what are these achievements that you want us to tell people about?
AC: More than I can put in 140 characters! Recommend you should read the pamphlet “What Have the Liberal Democrats Ever Done For Us?”
CL: Go on. Give me your top three!
AC: Income tax cuts for low and middle earners, largest ever increase in the state pension and ending child detention for immigration purposes
CL: Why do you think we are “Better Together” in the UK?
AC: Being in the UK allows us a voice in world affairs while maintaining the economic, cultural and family links we have built up over 300 years
CL: Why are Tories being allowed to stack the cards for Trident replacement? £350M for design work! (that was from Paul McGarry on Twitter).
AC: They are not! Stop believing what you read in the Guardian, Paul! The contracts announced recently were all part of the pre-maingate process
CL: Tip for the perfect Christmas cake?
AC: Bake it early, follow Delia’s recipe to the letter, soak it in brandy and involve your children in every stage – especially the decoration.
CL: And if you don’t have children?
AC: Just ask. You can borrow mine!
And as a little bonus, here’s the Panda video Alistair was talking about.

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