
Wednesday, February 06, 2013

So that's why 9th February was picked for the Fair Tax Action Day..

This is a really good broadcast - practical and sensitive to the squeeze people feel on their finances at the moment.

And it's a good kick off to the Fair Tax Day of Action on Saturday. Are you going to help? Have you signed up to the Fairer Tax campaign.

If, like me, you're a Kirsty fan, here's the Welsh version.

I will have to find out why there's not a Willie version - maybe we are saving him for the Conference broadcast.

The fairer tax pledge was front and centre in our manifesto. It's something we have delivered in Government and applies across the whole of the UK. Why wouldn't we tell people about it? There are some people in the party who don't really love it, especially in light of the cuts to benefits. But it does make a difference to people on low incomes. The policy itself didn't fall out of the Orange Book - it was proposed by an ordinary member at Conference. And Lizzie Jewkes can be very satisfied that her idea has helped 23 million people.

And, surely, delivering on major pledges is the way to show we are worthy of people's trust again.

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