
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Reasons to help Christine Jardine in Aberdeen Donside

On the wall in Christine Jardine's campaign headquarters, formerly a pet shop, just out of interest, there is a poster where people have written why they have come to help. Here it is in glorious technicolour.

Some of the best are:

Because the SNP have short-changed Aberdeen

Because Christine is awesome

I believe in Christine

Because I just really, really, really love the Lib Dems a lot. (I'd put money on Liberal Youth co-chair Kavya Kaushik having something to do with that one.)

Because we need people like Christine in Parliament.

Because Lib Dems support local communities

To stop the Nats

Donside needs a strong Lib Dem Voice

Christine is the intelligent choice

Because we are on the right side of local issues - and Willie Young sure is not

Returning the favour for Eastleigh

Delivering new pens

Because campaigning is a good hangover cure (this one appeared the night after Malcolm Bruce's 30th anniversary dinner)

Whatever motivates you, you would be given a very warm welcome in Donside over the last three days of the campaign at Team Christine Towers at 8 Scotstown Road. The phone number is
07516 450672 or you can email

There's a new VPB as well if you want to catch up with some phone canvassing - C534BA-1813

Christine is an amazing candidate. She has knocked on thousands of doors over the last few weeks and her no nonsense, Aberdeen first attitude has been very well received. We also could not have asked for more from Liberal Youth Scotland. They have really stepped up to the plate and have been an intelligent, hard working,  integral part of the campaign. We are so lucky to have them. 

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Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.